Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Growing up more and more every day.

Nathan has been steadily growing up more and more everyday. It is kind of making me sad, and wish ing time would slow down, but at the same time, the excitement and development we are seeing is amazing. So now we will start (trying to) keep up on his amazing abilites on a monthly basis. To start, his last doctors appointment was 6 months, and he weighed a whopping 21 pounds, and are 21 inches long! :) Wow!

Also, Nathan has now started getting up on all 4's and it will NOT be long before he is crawling! Oh my goodness. And Mommy is a nervous wreck about it honestly. There are just so many scary things that could happen, and I am such a worrywart. haha. But I am also so so so excited for when this day comes.

He is also now showing ALOT of personality, including yelling when he gets frustrated. As much as I don't want this to become a habit, I have to say that right now, I am loving it, and giggle every time I hear this.

His  favorite things to do now are crawl, or try to, lay with Mommy and Daddy and cuddle, jump/bounce with us helping him of course, and STAND. All the time. He gets so mad and refuses to be put down for even a minute, unless its to be on his tummy right now.
He enjoys strolling in his stroller alot, and any silly thing we do to make him laugh. He has the BEST laugh EVER! I know every parent says this, but he really does. I will do just about any silly/goofy/ or absurd thing, just to hear that precious giggle. :)
His favorite foods are green beans, bananas, and squash(pureed of course)
He currently has 2 teeth. His two front teeth, only on the bottom though. :)

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