Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Now to take him home....Or not. :(

The day of getting discharged from the hospital has arrived....Or not. We were getting ready to go home, and Nathan was about to go get circumsised, and as soon as he was, we were told we would be there for 2 hours, and then be discharged. But Mom and Dad have been noticing that Nathan is turning blue around his mouth. When we told the nurse this, she just said "oh that's normal" and went on. So we just assumed we were nervous overproctective first time parents, and the first few days, turning blue around the mouth is normal. So the pedicatrician comes in to take Nathan for his circumsision, and notices him being blue and asks if this has been happening alot. We reply yes, but the nurse told us that's normal. She replied that's NOT normal, and rushes out of the room with Nathan. Mommy and Daddy aren't allowed back in the nursery while they are working on him. The pedicrician comes out and tells Mom and Dad that they are sending you to the NICU. You were not breathing for long periods of time, called apnea and it was causing you to turn blue, have desaturations in your blood oxegen levels, and also bradycardias. Sohe was taken to the ICU. They ran every test  possible(MRI's, barium swallow, etc.) and found out there's not a reason why he should be having this. Your heart, brain, and everything else is just fine. So why can't he come home!?!? Mom has been up at the hospital everyday to see you. Mimi too. And you've had lots of visitors, and millions of prayers for your recovery. So fast forward to December 22nd(Mom's original due date) The doctors came in and you have been improving on your own, not quite well yet, but improving. ANd since they can't find a reason for this, Nathan is able to come home!!! Yay!!!! He was sent home on a apnea monitor but he has been doing really well on it. We had his first Dr's appt with Dr. Kenneth Elmer(who was also Mom's pediatrician!) on 12/27/10 and you weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces! Goodness. That's a big jump. Because when he was discharged from the hospital on 12/22/10 you weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce.

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