Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Age 6 months-1 year old!

Well, as you can see, we have been SUPER busy and haven't even had time to update the blog! Nathan is now over a year old!!!! I cannot believe it. My sweet tiny, cuddly baby boy, is now WALKING, saying "Mama" (his first word, ha!) and basically running us ragged most days! Haha! He also now has 6 teeth, and is cutting more at the moment! He has grown up so much, and every day I see more and more of his wonderful, loving, hilarious personality, and I love him more everyday!
Favorite Activity's- Playing in the toliet, Eww!( But seriously, he sneaks in there ANYtime my back is turned and  runs because he knows he has a very limited amount of "play-time" until I get done doing whatever I'm doing and notice he is no longer right there with me. Also, he got a tiny four-wheeler for Christmas, and can actually ride it, and LOVES it. He also loves going to his Mimi's house, which has become an almost daily visit. He loves her so much, and he is her world. :) Gotta love our Mimi.

More later, as he is up and running again!

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