Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on Nathan at 2 months old!

Nathan, you are Momma's whole world and I love you so much little boy!

We are going to have to start calling him my big man here shortly though. At 2 months, he weighed in at 11pounds 8 ounces! Goodness! :) We have switched him to a soy formula and unfortunanly, it does cause weight gain(excessive) BUT it's the only way to keep his  gas/fussiness/ and colic under control because you have a cow's milk allergy, just like his daddy.
We also started him on a LITTLE rice cereal for his GERD because his reflux is so severe. We started Zantac a few weeks ago, but have seen little improvement so we started rice cereal. And Dr. Elmer said when he gets to 3 months, we can start mixing a tiny bit of a vegtable in with the cereal so I went last night and got green beans and peas. YUM! :) (it smells AWFUL though. I had to look at what I'd be feeding him so I opened up a jar and UGH! haha, it is the most awful smelling vegetable. So I'm thinking I might(instead of doing jarred baby food which has added preservatives, etc.) that I am going to get some bags of frozen and fresh veggies and put it in the food processor. And then freeze 1oz. servings at a time.
Oh! Almost forgot, we have an appointment with Dr. Elmer on the 2/16/2010.

There are no words to express how much you mean to me,
A son like you, I thought could never be.
Because the day you were born, I just knew,
God sent me a blessing- and that was you.
For this I thank Him everyday,
You are the true definition of a son, in everyway.
It is because of you that my life has meaning,
Becoming a mom has shown me a new sense of being.
I want you to know that you were the purpose of my life,
Out of everything I did- it was you that I did right.
Always remember that I know how much you care,
I can tell by the relationship that we share.
For a son like you there could be no other,
And whether we are together or apart,
Please do not ever forget-
You will always have a piece of my heart.

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