Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pregnancy from week 21-34

Well, Nathan, it is now getting close to time for you to be here. Even though I have not even met you yet, you are always in my heart(and tummy) :)
You have begun having less and less room and those kicks that take my breath away are slowly being replaced by little wiggles and stretches. Regardless of all the problems this pregnancy has had, you are so worth it little man! I love you so much already, it's amazing.
Here's a recap of the last 34 weeks:
Weeks 1-22: Because Mommy was told her chances of conceiving were very, very low, and Mommy has something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, she didn't know that you were in there until now! Although, now looking back, I did miss some pretty obvious signs(morning sickness, etc.) But, after having lunch with your grandma and her and your daddy ganging up on me, telling me they KNEW I was pregnant, I decided to take a pregnancy test. As I thought I was just doing this to prove Grandma and Daddy wrong, imagine my surprise when I see 2 lines. Umm...oh goodness. :) I ripped open the other 2 tests that came in the pack because I was certain the positive test was just a mistake..Imagine my surprise when they both came up positive as well. Haha. I called your Daddy to give him the good news and to my shock, he just simply says " I know." after telling him I am carrying you. I asked him how he was so certain when I didn't know, and your daddy told me, "Well, let's see baby, you've been sick for a few months, and when laying down, I can hear a heartbeat in your tummy that's not yours." Oh....
Well, Mommy went for her ultrasound and found out that she was 21 weeks 6 days. Goodness gracious.
So we have alot less time to prepare than I would have liked. Then begins the shopping, only...I don't know what colors to buy yet. You were being shy for the camera. :) So we begin the waiting game. At the 24 week ultrasound, the ultrasound tech was pulling up the "area" that we needed to see. As soon as she did, before she said anything, your Daddy jumped up and yelled "he's just like me"
And, confirmed by the tech, IT'S A BOY!!!  Your daddy and I are just thrilled. :) So the name Nathan Milton Brand was chosen. 
Fast forward to weeks 24-34:
Mommy has been having increasingly dangerous health problems with pre-eclampsia and has been admitted to the hospital 4 different times. :( But, you are absolutely thriving my son. I went for an ultrasound today and at 34 weeks 2 days, you are weighing in at a whopping 6 pounds. :) Goodness! You also have been given corti-steriods at one of my latest hospital visits and your lungs are working wonderfully and fully developed!

Well, this is all son, but I can tell you Mommy can't wait for you to be here and I already love you my precious baby! :)

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