Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Growing up more and more every day.

Nathan has been steadily growing up more and more everyday. It is kind of making me sad, and wish ing time would slow down, but at the same time, the excitement and development we are seeing is amazing. So now we will start (trying to) keep up on his amazing abilites on a monthly basis. To start, his last doctors appointment was 6 months, and he weighed a whopping 21 pounds, and are 21 inches long! :) Wow!

Also, Nathan has now started getting up on all 4's and it will NOT be long before he is crawling! Oh my goodness. And Mommy is a nervous wreck about it honestly. There are just so many scary things that could happen, and I am such a worrywart. haha. But I am also so so so excited for when this day comes.

He is also now showing ALOT of personality, including yelling when he gets frustrated. As much as I don't want this to become a habit, I have to say that right now, I am loving it, and giggle every time I hear this.

His  favorite things to do now are crawl, or try to, lay with Mommy and Daddy and cuddle, jump/bounce with us helping him of course, and STAND. All the time. He gets so mad and refuses to be put down for even a minute, unless its to be on his tummy right now.
He enjoys strolling in his stroller alot, and any silly thing we do to make him laugh. He has the BEST laugh EVER! I know every parent says this, but he really does. I will do just about any silly/goofy/ or absurd thing, just to hear that precious giggle. :)
His favorite foods are green beans, bananas, and squash(pureed of course)
He currently has 2 teeth. His two front teeth, only on the bottom though. :)

Update on Nathan at 2 months old!

Nathan, you are Momma's whole world and I love you so much little boy!

We are going to have to start calling him my big man here shortly though. At 2 months, he weighed in at 11pounds 8 ounces! Goodness! :) We have switched him to a soy formula and unfortunanly, it does cause weight gain(excessive) BUT it's the only way to keep his  gas/fussiness/ and colic under control because you have a cow's milk allergy, just like his daddy.
We also started him on a LITTLE rice cereal for his GERD because his reflux is so severe. We started Zantac a few weeks ago, but have seen little improvement so we started rice cereal. And Dr. Elmer said when he gets to 3 months, we can start mixing a tiny bit of a vegtable in with the cereal so I went last night and got green beans and peas. YUM! :) (it smells AWFUL though. I had to look at what I'd be feeding him so I opened up a jar and UGH! haha, it is the most awful smelling vegetable. So I'm thinking I might(instead of doing jarred baby food which has added preservatives, etc.) that I am going to get some bags of frozen and fresh veggies and put it in the food processor. And then freeze 1oz. servings at a time.
Oh! Almost forgot, we have an appointment with Dr. Elmer on the 2/16/2010.

There are no words to express how much you mean to me,
A son like you, I thought could never be.
Because the day you were born, I just knew,
God sent me a blessing- and that was you.
For this I thank Him everyday,
You are the true definition of a son, in everyway.
It is because of you that my life has meaning,
Becoming a mom has shown me a new sense of being.
I want you to know that you were the purpose of my life,
Out of everything I did- it was you that I did right.
Always remember that I know how much you care,
I can tell by the relationship that we share.
For a son like you there could be no other,
And whether we are together or apart,
Please do not ever forget-
You will always have a piece of my heart.

At home with Mommy and loving it.

My baby is home! It took 3 LONG weeks in the ICU but you are finally home with Mom. I never knew I could love being a Mom so much. But it is hte most rewarding thing I have ever done. And my heart grows every day with love for you sweet boy. You are Momma's world!

Now to take him home....Or not. :(

The day of getting discharged from the hospital has arrived....Or not. We were getting ready to go home, and Nathan was about to go get circumsised, and as soon as he was, we were told we would be there for 2 hours, and then be discharged. But Mom and Dad have been noticing that Nathan is turning blue around his mouth. When we told the nurse this, she just said "oh that's normal" and went on. So we just assumed we were nervous overproctective first time parents, and the first few days, turning blue around the mouth is normal. So the pedicatrician comes in to take Nathan for his circumsision, and notices him being blue and asks if this has been happening alot. We reply yes, but the nurse told us that's normal. She replied that's NOT normal, and rushes out of the room with Nathan. Mommy and Daddy aren't allowed back in the nursery while they are working on him. The pedicrician comes out and tells Mom and Dad that they are sending you to the NICU. You were not breathing for long periods of time, called apnea and it was causing you to turn blue, have desaturations in your blood oxegen levels, and also bradycardias. Sohe was taken to the ICU. They ran every test  possible(MRI's, barium swallow, etc.) and found out there's not a reason why he should be having this. Your heart, brain, and everything else is just fine. So why can't he come home!?!? Mom has been up at the hospital everyday to see you. Mimi too. And you've had lots of visitors, and millions of prayers for your recovery. So fast forward to December 22nd(Mom's original due date) The doctors came in and you have been improving on your own, not quite well yet, but improving. ANd since they can't find a reason for this, Nathan is able to come home!!! Yay!!!! He was sent home on a apnea monitor but he has been doing really well on it. We had his first Dr's appt with Dr. Kenneth Elmer(who was also Mom's pediatrician!) on 12/27/10 and you weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces! Goodness. That's a big jump. Because when he was discharged from the hospital on 12/22/10 you weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce.

Nathan Milton Brand has arrived!!!

Nathan Milton Brand is here! I was induced for labor on December 1st, 2010 due to pre-eclampsia at 37 weeks. And at 11:42pm, Nathan was born. During delivery, we had a little scare as your monitor went off(because your heart rate dropped and stayed in the 50's) Because of this, Mom had only 5 minutes to push Nathan out, or else we were going for a C-Section which they were allready prepping me for. But Mommy did it! She got him out just in time(with the help of a vaccum) and alot of encouragment from Dad when she didn't think she could do it, and Nathan was born happy and healthy! This was honestly the happiest day  of my life. He is absolutly beautiful!

All about Daddy and Mommy :)

Well, my son. I thought you might want to know just what Daddy and Mom were like before you got here and changed our lives(for the better.) I can say this...no matter what we were before you, the main thing was INCOMPLETE. You have changed our lives so much allready and you aren't even here yet. The love a Mom and Dad have for their child begins immediatly. That first kick, the first hiccup, it makes anything and everything worth it.
Well, to start with, when you are born, your Daddy will be 22 years old, and Mommy will be 20. Your Daddy works for a company called Advantage Surveillance and also has his own company on the side that he is working on building which is Express Fugitive Recovery. Mom doesn't work right now, but once you are born, I will start online classes to finish my degree in Nursing.
Your Mom and Dad have been together for 4 years, since October 2006, and were married on November 12th, 2009.
But as I said, our little family was incomplete without you. You may have been unexpected, Nathan, but you were NEVER unwanted. We both love you so much allready.

Pregnancy from week 21-34

Well, Nathan, it is now getting close to time for you to be here. Even though I have not even met you yet, you are always in my heart(and tummy) :)
You have begun having less and less room and those kicks that take my breath away are slowly being replaced by little wiggles and stretches. Regardless of all the problems this pregnancy has had, you are so worth it little man! I love you so much already, it's amazing.
Here's a recap of the last 34 weeks:
Weeks 1-22: Because Mommy was told her chances of conceiving were very, very low, and Mommy has something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, she didn't know that you were in there until now! Although, now looking back, I did miss some pretty obvious signs(morning sickness, etc.) But, after having lunch with your grandma and her and your daddy ganging up on me, telling me they KNEW I was pregnant, I decided to take a pregnancy test. As I thought I was just doing this to prove Grandma and Daddy wrong, imagine my surprise when I see 2 lines. Umm...oh goodness. :) I ripped open the other 2 tests that came in the pack because I was certain the positive test was just a mistake..Imagine my surprise when they both came up positive as well. Haha. I called your Daddy to give him the good news and to my shock, he just simply says " I know." after telling him I am carrying you. I asked him how he was so certain when I didn't know, and your daddy told me, "Well, let's see baby, you've been sick for a few months, and when laying down, I can hear a heartbeat in your tummy that's not yours." Oh....
Well, Mommy went for her ultrasound and found out that she was 21 weeks 6 days. Goodness gracious.
So we have alot less time to prepare than I would have liked. Then begins the shopping, only...I don't know what colors to buy yet. You were being shy for the camera. :) So we begin the waiting game. At the 24 week ultrasound, the ultrasound tech was pulling up the "area" that we needed to see. As soon as she did, before she said anything, your Daddy jumped up and yelled "he's just like me"
And, confirmed by the tech, IT'S A BOY!!!  Your daddy and I are just thrilled. :) So the name Nathan Milton Brand was chosen. 
Fast forward to weeks 24-34:
Mommy has been having increasingly dangerous health problems with pre-eclampsia and has been admitted to the hospital 4 different times. :( But, you are absolutely thriving my son. I went for an ultrasound today and at 34 weeks 2 days, you are weighing in at a whopping 6 pounds. :) Goodness! You also have been given corti-steriods at one of my latest hospital visits and your lungs are working wonderfully and fully developed!

Well, this is all son, but I can tell you Mommy can't wait for you to be here and I already love you my precious baby! :)